Public Events
Selected Talks, Roundtables & Panels
"New Nordic in:security", In: Security in Border Regions. International Expert Workshop, KonKoop and ZOiS, Berlin, 8 June 2023.
"How does illiberal democracy navigate gender politics? Moving from backlash to pragmatics in Poland", REDEM Seminar, Malmö University, Friday 26 May.
"Do you feel safe? Discussion about feminist approaches to security", with Zuzana Maďarová and Míla O’Sullivan, FES Prague & ASPEKT, Bratislava, 23 November 2022.
"Zeitenwende: The Left's New Approach to Security", Progressive Governance Summit, Berlin, 13 October 2022.
"Porozmawiajmy o wojnie" [Let's talk about war], Polish Gender Studies Association, 23 June 2022.
“The State of Hungarian Defense”, Visegrad Insight, Online, 3 March 2022.
“Paramilitaryzm i płeć. Doświadczenia w początku XX i XXI wieku w Polsce” [Paramilitarism and Gender. Comparing 20th and 21th century Polish experiences], Institute of History, University of Warsaw, 25 January 2022.
“The Gender Politics of Re-militarization in Central Europe: the Case of Polish Paramilitary Organizing”, Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Comenius University, Online, 9 December 2021
"Civil-military cooperation in CEE, International Center for Development and Democratic Transition", Budapest, 8 July 2021.
“Understanding Societal Resilience”, Civil Engagement and Participation in Defence Conference, STRATPOL, 6 May 2021.
“The Grand Return of the Troops. Militarization of COVID-19 and Shifting Military-Society Relations in Visegrad”, Security of the future – the future of security, University of Wrocław, 1 July 2021.
“Feminizm i militaryzm wczoraj i dziś - meldunek z polskiego frontu” [Feminism and Militarism Then and Now: Dispatches From Poland], National Museum in Warsaw, 23 Oct 2020.
“Gender in Military and Security Structures. Eastern and Central Europe”, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 22 Oct 2020.
“Paramilitarism in Central and Eastern Europe: Adjusting State-Society Relations in Times of Insecurity”, GMF of the US, 2 Sept 2020.
“From NGOization of National Security to State-led (Para)militarism? Paramilitary Organizing in Post-1989 Poland”, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 21 Jan 2020.
“The Globalization of 'Traditional Values”, Plenary Roundtable, ECPG Conference, University of Amsterdam , 6 Jun 2019.
“Children of Pax Europea Training for War? Paramilitary Civil Society in Central Europe”, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 9 Jan 2019.